International Students

International Students

Teachers are practicing a profession that requires a great sense of responsibility and is of immense social and political importance. The education at the University College of Teacher Education focuses on a proper understanding of the current demands in the field which is fundamentally converged on competencies. The notion of competence is perceived to be complex and incorporates knowledge, know-how, motivation and attitude.

Special employment contract

Information for Teaching staff who have a special employment contract – including the paragraph “Completion of courses in the amount of 30 ECTS”

  • You are a teaching professional i.e. school social worker who is employed in teaching and has a special employment contract.
  • Your special contract includes the paragraph: “Courses thematically related to pedagogy i.e. elective courses in the amount of 30 ECTS have to be successfully completed within the period of four years at one of the University Colleges for Teacher Education, in order to retain the right to the same remuneration model.

In order to complete the courses in the amount of 30 ECTS, you have to be enrolled as a full-time student at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna.

Please follow the below step-by step process:

  1. Please scan your special contract and send it via E-mail to the following address
  2. Since you are already employed as a teaching professional, you have to complete only a part of the admission procedure, i.e. the individual counselling entry interview.
  3. These individual counselling entry interviews take place at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna in the months of June and September. The study year always starts October 1. If you send us the scan of your special contract, we will keep you on the record and inform you about the next available date.
    Attention! The individual counselling entry interview must be pre-scheduled per E-mail.
  4. Please bring a filled-in form “Zulassung zum Bachelorstudium Primarstufe” (Admission to Bachelor Studies Primary Level Teacher Education, see downloads below).
  5. After you receive the notification regarding your admission and enrollment at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (you will receive all the details via E-mail), you can register for and complete the courses in the amount of 30 ECTS.

Recognition of prior certified learning: should you have already completed a study program, you can apply for recognition of prior certified learning in case of equivalent amount of ECTS and content correspondence according to § 56 HG idgF. This is, however, only possible, if you are a full-time student at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna. The application for recognition prior certified learning must be filed through PH-online.

Information: Courses completed within your professional development training do normally not evince ECTS. Vienna Board of Education recognizes those courses as per: 1 ECTS-Credit=25 hours of professional development training courses à 60 min.

Should you have any questions, please write an E-mail to Ms. Susanne Martinuzzi (


Admission to Bachelor Studies Primary Level Teacher Education
Form “Zulassung zum Bachelorstudium Primarstufe” (Admission to Bachelor Studies Primary Level Teacher Education)

Recognition (accreditation) of prior certified learning

Recognition of foreign teacher education certificates at University Colleges of Teacher Education in Austria (§ 56 HG 2005).

Which individuals do not need to apply for recognition of prior certified learning?

Within the European Union (EU), i.e. the European Economic Area (EEA) including Switzerland is the access to certain academic professions regulated by special directives which allow a person from the said countries to enter a profession directly. In such case is the recognition of prior certified learning not required and thereby not possible.

Individuals from the following countries are not required to apply for recognition of prior certified learning:

Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Island, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Check Republic, Hungary, United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Cyprus.

Individuals from these countries have to apply with the appropriate administrative authority (in Vienna – Vienna Board of Education, Wipplingerstr. 28,1010 Vienna). It is the responsibility of the appropriate authority to stipulate which exams need to passed as a prerequisite for employment (in cases where applicable).

Individuals from countries, which are not listed above, need to apply for recognition of prior certified learning according to (§ 68 University College Law HG 2005).

What is recognition of prior certified learning?

Recognition of prior certified learning is the recognition of foreign academic certificates as equivalent to the Austrian academic leaving certificates or teacher education certificates issued by the Principal of the University College of Teacher Education, or the relevant institution of higher education. The recognition assumes full equality with an Austrian academic leaving certificate including the right to be awarded the appropriate Austrian academic title.

You have to submit your supporting documents either as originals or certified copies, whereas you diploma certificate needs to be presented as original.

Should you have any questions, please send an E-mail to Ms. Claudia Leditzky  (


Recognition of teacher education certificates within the EU-area

An application for recognition of equality of foreign teacher education certificates obtained in the EU partner countries with an Austrian teacher education leaving certificate are to be submitted at Vienna Board of Education, Wipplingerstr. 28, 1010 Vienna.

Once you have received the formal decision from Vienna Board of Education, you can contact one of the University Colleges of Teacher Education.

Individuals required to complete an adaptation course (basic module) as well as an additional education in individual subjects hold the status of part-time students. Individuals have to apply for admission and remittal of study fees each semester.

Some formal decisions spell out as a prerequisite for admission a proof of sufficient German language proficiency according to 4. Abs. 2 LDG 1984. Dates for these exams are communicated individually at the University College of Teacher Education Vienna.

The completion of the degree has to be communicated via E-mail to the Examinations Office.

For further information please contact Ms. Susanne Martinuzzi ( regarding compulsory schooling.

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